© Josh Forwood
Election Information
Screen Craft Rights has eight elected Board Members (see here), two for each of the categories: Cinematography, Editing, Production Design and Costume Design.
Board members are appointed for a four-year term, with the commencement of the two members in any category being two years apart. This means that every two years one member in each category must resign or offer themselves for re-election.
Therefore, an election takes place every two years and any Member of Screen Craft Rights can put themselves forward for election. To do so, they need to submit a Nomination Form, supported by another Member, and a Statement – of not more than 50 words – in support of their candidacy.
Provisional Members are not allowed to stand for or vote in elections, although they are entitled to attend the AGM and speak at the discretion of the Chair. For the avoidance of doubt, only Members who have paid their registration fee and received payment from Screen Craft Rights are entitled to vote.
The Ballot Paper will list all those standing for election – existing Board Members and others who have completed a Nomination Form. Candidates will be listed under the area of work they are representing i.e. Cinematography, Editing, Production Design or Costume Design. By clicking on any candidate’s name, voters can view their supporting Statements.
Members will be invited to vote online. Members who do not use email will receive a paper ballot, which needs to be returned to the SCR Office by the voting deadline.
Members can only vote for one candidate in each category i.e. one for Cinematography, one for Editing, one for Production Design and one for Costume Design. In other words, they can vote four times, once in each category.
The election results will be announced at the AGM and subsequently posted on the Members’ section of the website. If the election takes place between AGMs, the election result will be posted on the Members’ section of the website within a month of the result.
Please note, if there are not enough nominations, an election may not necessarily have candidates in all four categories. A serving Board Member or Nominee may be re-elected or elected unopposed, so the election will just be for those categories where the election is contested.